Friday, January 19, 2007

Smaller vs Larger resorts

I love working at the mountain! How can you not? You get a beautiful setting, interacting with people of all different types, and really no stress at the end of the day. Let's face it, when you go home, none of the problems come with you, none of the problems are likely to be there tomorrow, and for the most part a beer after work clears everything up. There are on occasion squabbles that happen between employees. But then there is that mountain! A few free runs together and all should be forgotten.

I've been asked by friends why I work for a family run resort vs the corporate run resorts. It's hard to describe it, but the family at the resort extends beyond just the ownership. It also extends into the employees. It is my extended family, for better or worse.

Two weeks ago began the now weekend tradition of barbecue for lunch. Weekends are crunch time for classes, and the little things make it more tolerable. The free lunch of BBQ brought to us by management just makes you feel like they actually care. Somewhat.

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