Monday, November 1, 2010

Ski Pass Defender

Former ski instructor faces off against Vail Resorts over invention. Read the full article here. Short version, Breckenridge ski instructor Jon Lawson created a device to block the RFID of the new Vail Resorts ski pass. From the article, it sounds as if Vail management tried a little strong arm tactic which sent Jon on his way out of the resort. Good luck Jon at Loveland, maybe I'll see you on the slopes there sometime this season.

Thanks to Justin over at for bringing this to my attention. Yep it's old, but it's a rather important piece. Justin also brings about some valid concerns about this RFID usage with this post

Breaking silence

I've been silent on the posting for a long period here. Several events transpired over the course of the summer that had me re-evaluating my time instructing. Not to be vague or confusing, they'll be posted here in due time, as soon as I can work out the words to describe them.

I've also found myself to be not nearly as excited about this season as I have in the past. It's not clear why, but overall the excitement is lacking. I've only seen one of the recent snow pr0n films going through town (TGRs). The recent PSIA off-snow re-certification classes I took part in just seemed to be a continuing rehash of things said before. Uninspired.