Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Selling A Friend

My living arrangement is small. Very small. As it stands, there is very little room within it for myself, my toys, and the few spartan bits of furniture I have within. Partially because I cannot afford the next step up, partially because I spend too much on outdoors equipment and gear, but mostly because I spend so little time indoors I don't see a reason to be extravagant.

It's with great sadness that I've had to sell a best friend recently. My Cannondale R1000 is now in the hands of another. It felt weird to sell it. I've traveled through large portions of the roadways with it and will always have a fond spot in my heart for it. But room was needed for my new toy... Lemond Chambery. A sweet carbon/aluminum frame on a bike long enough for me.

Next step, to work on those mountain climbs...

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